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Our Methodology

“The essence of the Torah is intellectual creativity.”

-Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik

Our Yeshiva specializes in the unique form of Gemara study popularized by Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik known as the Brisker Derech. Students are trained in the art of abstract categorical analysis with the aim of applying it in their own independent study of Gemara and Halacha. Our shiurim in Tanach and Hashkafa focus on the writings of the Rishonim with the aim of defining their conceptual underpinnings and translating the abstract ideals into a way of life. 


It is this approach to learning which permeates the entire Beit Midrash and all of our shiurim. It doesn’t matter whether one is learning a Rashi on Chumash, a halacha in the Shulchan Aruch, or a Rambam in the Guide for the Perplexed – every intellectual endeavor is characterized by the same level of abstract analysis, the same quest for penetrating insight, and the same standard of clarity.


In every shiur students are encouraged to think creatively and independently, employing a mix of analytical and intuitive thinking which they continue to sharpen with training. Our rabbeim promote an environment of openness and curiosity in which students can feel comfortable asking any question and expressing any idea. 

Here at YBT, our goal is to instill our students with the tools needed for lifelong independent Torah study and the importance of recognizing the centrality of Torah in their lives. 

Our Methodology, our analysis, our manner of conceptualizing, inferring, classifying and defining concepts of halakhic matter ... the logical tools and systemological implements which we use to analyze a sugya, or talmudic subject, for study, whether in Bava Kamma or any portion of Shas, are the most modern ... It is a total, all-encompassing, all-embracing involvement of the mind and heart, will, and feeling -- the very center of the human personality. The emotional side of man, his logical bent, the voluntaristic impulses can all be usefully employed in plumbing the depths of Torah. 

- Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik


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